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UPDATE: March 9, 2023
As of March 7, 2023, MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 are both back in the Apple App Store. They can now be downloaded and used on iPhones and all Apple products.
Since Apple removed the platforms in September, MetaQuotes has been actively addressing Apple’s issues with the apps. Apple’s main problem, it seems, is that MT4 and MT5 were being manipulated by scammers posing as brokers. MetaQuotes has taken lengths to resolve these vulnerabilities, and Apple must be satisfied with their efforts.
This article and the FAQ have been updated to reflect this recent decision.
What happened with MT4 and MT5 in the Apple App Store?
As of March 2023, MT4 and MT5 are both once again available in the Apple App Store. However, in September 2022, Apple shocked the forex trading community, by suddenly removing the MT4 and MT5 trading apps from the Apple App Store.
There was a lot of speculation as to why Apple made this decision. MetaQuotes is based in Cyprus, but originated in Russia where it was founded by current CEO Renat Fatkhullin. This lead many to believe that sanctions against Russia were Apple’s principal reason.
This was not the case, however, as Apple was actually responding to a number of investment scams had been perpetrated using MT4 and MT5, most notably a $1 million fraud that was detailed in Forbes.
MetaTrader tried very hard fix the glitches that the scammers exploited and after more than five months, Apple agreed that they had taken the necessary steps to improve consumer safety.
Why Aren’t MT4 and MT5 Available in the App Store?
For a five month period starting in September 2022, neither MT4 or MT5 were available in the App Store. But as of March, 2023, both MT4 and MT5 are once again available after MetaQuotes successfully addressed Apple’s concerns about how scammers were able to manipulate the trading platforms.

Why was the MT4 and MT5 removal from the app store such a big deal?
MT4 and MT5 are such incredibly popular forex trading platforms that any hint of disruption can be a bit of a scare. Some were worried that Apple’s decision was just the beginning and forex brokers may cease their partnerships with MetaQuotes. This didn’t happen, however, although many brokers did look to add other platform options.
Are there Alternative trading apps to MT4 and MT5?
Yes, there are many other options. Most brokers have their own proprietary trading apps that they offer in addition to MT4 and MT5. In fact, I recently wrote a review ranking my favorite forex trading apps that aren’t developed by MetaQuotes.
Are MT4 and MT5 Banned in the US?
No. Apple temporarily removed them from their store from September 2022 – March, 2023, but there was never any ban from any government entity. Apple seems satisfied that the issues that lead to MT4 and MT5’s removal have been adequately addressed.