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MT4 and MT5 Trading Apps Removed from Apple App Store (UPDATED)

UPDATE: March 9, 2023 As of March 7, 2023, MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 are both back in the Apple App Store. They can now be downloaded and used on iPhones and all Apple products. Since Apple removed the platforms in September, MetaQuotes has been actively addressing Apple’s issues with the apps. Apple’s main problem, it seems, … Read more

What Are CFDs?

CFDs are an increasingly popular option for traders who love high risk/high reward derivatives. This CFDs FAQ should answer all of your questions about this controversial security.

How to Start Trading Forex

As complex as the forex market might be, getting a start in forex trading is actually quite simple. In just five steps you could become a part of the largest, most dynamic market in the world.

Pros and Cons of Using a Regulated Forex Broker

When choosing a forex broker, your first choice is whether to use a regulated forex broker or an offshore “unregulated” broker. Regulated brokers are much safer, but they do have some disadvantages, so it’s important you make an informed decision.

How to Choose a Forex Broker

Choosing the right forex broker could be the difference between becoming a profitable trader and losing your hard-earned capital. Follow these five steps to choose the perfect forex broker for you.